Monkey See, Monkey Fall

A few weeks ago we realized that Gabriela Catalina had the ability to climb out of her crib... she just didn't know it yet. So we thought, 'well, when she figures it out, we'll get her a rail' (my girlfriend's baby is 2 and 1/2 and hasn't a clue he can climb out of the crib). Ha. And figured it out she did. In about literally 1.5 seconds. She said sitting in her crib, "Mommy, up!" "One second love" as I bent down to pick up a bow. No sooner had I picked up the bow than I hear, THUNK. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" And, there is my child, splat on her back on the floor, crying her little eyes out, having fallen from 4 feet. I picked her up fast as I could, then thought, ohcrapwhatifshebrokeherbackandnowIparalizedher. She then turned completely white, broke out into a sweat and went limp on top of me. Except for the screaming, I would have thought I killed her. So, I paged Ben then RAN her down to the hospital for him to check her out (faster to run then a cab on our street). Of course she was totally fine, which I knew, just had the bejesus scared out of her. But it never hurts to have a look. After we went to Babiesrus and bought the bedrail, I realized the crib did in fact have one more notch I could lower the mattress onto. So this whole thing could have been avoided. Moral of the story- just 'cause someone else's kid doesn't do something, doesn't mean yours won't either.


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