An Addiction

I confess. I need to go to S.A. Shoppers Annonymous. I can't help it. It's in my jeans. Runs through my blood like tempers. Europeans. I believe the first culprit is my Grandmother and I won't mention the second, though this person says it isn't true. What, does it skip through family lines? Please. (lovingly roll my eyes)

Have YOU ever been to MAC? Seriously, with a swish swish here, a pat pat there, and an additional, "do you mind if I just clean up your eyebrows a bit?" more, you open your eyes and you look stunning. STUN-NING. SEXY. Rarr. And then you open your wallet and spend $176 on not even half the products. Gulp, my fund has sunken to an all new low. And, "Oh, I'm soooo sorry ma'am. You can't use your gift card here (of course I can't). We only accept the Bloomingdale's gift card here (of course you do). You have to use that at the MAC store. The closest one is on WEST 66th and Columbus. Do you want to go there instead?" CRAP NO- I'm not walking all the way to the WEST side of the park!!!! Charge it baby. Sweet, so that means I still have my gift card! So, here we are, 11pm, my bathroom is growing a special kind of mold I'm sure, while I look up brushes I can buy from MAC online for $20+ a pop. Somebody help! But I sure do look pretty....


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