John Jacob Jingle Heimer.....

I'm out here, minding my own business, getting my accounting on.  The kids are in the back room, playing very nicely.  I was just thinking how lucky I am that they basically take care of themselves.

Colton is just singing along: "John, Jacob, Jingle Heimer Schmidt..." He changes the words around a bit to make it silly, each round brings a new slew of silliness.  Then there is a gasp from his other mother (Gabriela Catalina, of course).  Silence.  Pitter patter down the hallway.

Colton- "Mommy?  Is sh*t a bad word?"

Oh for crying out loud.

You know Gabriela Catalina, sometimes, if you just let something go, he'll never know the difference.  But thank you for letting him know.


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