The Three Day Potty Training Method- Day 3

So... we are on day 3 of the prized "Three DAy Potty Training Method" and I gotta say... I really dont know if I am impressed or sourly disappointed. Gabi finally peed in the potty yesterday at like 5:30 after constantly peeing on the floor. And by constantly I mean like three times. And she really only peed on the potty because I told her if she sat on it, she could watch Dora. Anyone is bound to pee sitting on the potty for an hour. I told her she could get up after like five minutes but she wanted to sit there. It is now day three, 2:30 pm and this kid hasnt peed all day. ALL DAY. She is currently sitting on the potty because I KNOW she has to to and she wont do it! But she also wont pee on the floor either.... This poor kid. She keeps asking for her diaper but I refuse to give it to her! I'm beginning to become concerned she is going to get a UTI!!! Well, we shall see. nobody can hold it for THAT long... can they????


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