waddle down the hallway realizing my water had broken. I remember telling Ben to ask the OB/GYN on the phone if I could go back to bed because

5:30am was waaaay to early to go into the hospital to have a baby. I remember making Ben stop at Taco Cabana on the way to the hospital to eat some breakfast tacos and gulping a huge thing of

water because my friend DeNae had scared the bejesus out of me ranting about how her husband wouldn't give her any water because the nurse said not to nor would

he sneak her food. I was hell bent on having breakfast AND water before I delivered. I remember going into the hospital and they started asking me all

these ridiculous questions and I interrupted them and said, "The only question that really matters is do I want an epidural and the answer is yes I do and I want it RIGHT NOW." I remember being annoyed the doctor on call made me start to push before I was ready because it was New Year's Eve and she wanted to go home and I remember insisting for the third hour that I could push her out myself. I remember being so so sad when they realized it was the swelling of her head and not her actual head coming down and that

I was going to have to have a C-section. I was mad I couldn't make my body do something I wanted it to do. I remember

my feet were swollen like a puff ball. I remember my nurse, Effie, stayed by my side even after her shift was over because she didn't want to leave me (thank you God for L&D nurses!!!). I remember the first time I saw my little girl. I was so drugged up (hooray for epidurals!! Everyone should get one at least once in life!) that when Ben showed her to me, I knew it was her but I couldn't see her. I told him to bring her closer. He told me he couldn't. I said, "But I can't SEE her"- he said, "Honey, she's right in front of your face"- her face was literally touching mine but she seemed so far. I remember the first time I held her, I was so weak I literally dropped her. Everyone drops their baby at least once so good to know I checked that off first day! Don't worry, she only fell like two inches and she fell on me and like five people were around, sheesh :). I remember the ridiculousness of that day and of the weeks to follow and I remember that, even though that was, hands down, the most difficult day of my entire life, it was so worth it. I'd do those months of recovery a thousand times over to have my little girl. These past six years with Gabriela Catalina have been the most awesomely ridiculous, pink filled, hilariously creative, loving years. Happy happy Birthday, to the best early present I have ever ever received.

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