Tomorrow, well, today technically, is Gabriela Catalina's sixth birthday. Every year for the past five years, we have celebrated her birthday at Alice's Tea Cup, our favorite Tea Time place in NYC. Actually, we pretty much celebrated every other occasion there as well, ranging from being accident free for five days in a row, not slapping your sibling for three days in a row, not getting in the tub with your socks on for five days in a row, not saying "but I don't want to" for ten days, the list goes on. So, I was a little sad that this year we would be Alice Sconeless- but! Ha ha! My Grandma got me the Alice's Tea Cup cookbook for Christmas this year. I thought I would surprise Gabriela Catalina and make her favorite- pumpkin scones. Except she asked me to make them for her. Blast! Surprise ruined. I had to up the ante- I made them HEART shaped: win for Mommy.
THEN, I had seen on Pinterest that someone had made their kid a huge pink number six and put it on their door- sweet! I'll surprise her with that. I needed to run to the store to get a few things, seeing as how everything would be closed tomorrow and the day after, what with their being a holiday in honor of my child and all. As I turned to leave, she says, "Mommy. When I wake up tomorrow, I would like to wake up to a BIG number 6. Because I will be 6. I want a really big one." Dang it Gabriela Catalina, point for you. "Mommy, do you think you could please make that for me?"

me: "I don't know, maybe." I really wanted to surprise her- agh!!
GC:"Well... it IS my birthday."
me:"I'll see what I can do." She gives me sad look.
I turn to go out the door and I hear her say to Ben, "Daddy. When Mommy gets home, in case she forgets I need a BIG sign in my room. A BIIIIIIIIG number 6 because I am turning 6 tomorrow. And I need another sign to say, 'Happy Birthday Gabriela Catalina' but I need it to be IN MY ROOM so that it is the FIRST thing I see when I wake up in the morning. Okay, Daddy? Don't let Mommy forget!"

Agh! Now I have to up the ante even more!! Mother monkey! Alright- you got your number 6 BUT I decorated it with PINK flowers AND sparkly stars. You got your "Happy Birthday" poster at the foot of the bed AND I put some hot pink curtain thing for you to go through when you wake up AND your table is set in pink for your breakfast. Boo yah. I win your birthday. ;)
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