Cold Weather Policy

I just ran across this in my email and thought I would share.  It is Gabriela Catalina's elementary school's "Cold Weather Policy" regarding recess.  Ha ha.  Woman up girlfriend :)

 Cold Weather/Recess Policy
The following criteria is used for determining whether or not students are outside for recess:
  • Windchill of 0 degrees or above students will be outside for the normal recess.
  • Windchill of -1 to -9 degrees students will be outside for 10 minutes of recess
  • Windchill of -10 degrees or colder students will be inside for recess.
*School patrol will follow this same policy.  When there is a windchill of -1 to -9, school patrol will be available from 9:00-9:10am and 3:35-3:45pm instead of their normal 8:50 and 3:30 times.  There is no school patrol when wind chills are -10 or colder.


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