A Mipple
Somewhere in the middle of ice skating Gabriela Catalina, Colton and our neighbor friend Logan around Rockefeller ice skating rink on Friday night five times around EACH at the HSS ice skating party last weekend and sledding with them the next day (by Sunday I could barely move, p.s.), I did something to my knee.
There's a possibility I tore something in there (go figure)- Ben's going to check again but how weird it would be if I had to have surgery done by friends? Its weird. Because then what if they mess it up? And then they would get to see me all nervous before surgery, etc. etc. Anyway- you know what? This isn't even the point of the story. The point is this:
I was saying in the kitchen to Ben earlier today during lunch that my knee was really hurting me and I needed him to check it again.
Gabriela suggested: "Maybe its your mipple."
Me: "Excuse me? My what?"
G: "Your mipple." Duh.
Me: "My mipple?" She nods. "Gabriela...... what's a mipple?"
G: "Like a nipple, but here." She points to her kneecap that is pointy.
Well then. Things you never knew.
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