And so it begins

Sigh. I went today to apply for kindergarten for Gabriela Catalina. What a ridiculous process. Well, its not so much ridiculous as it is time consuming. In theory, its actually this really great idea where you can send your child wherever you want in the city. So, if you school is terrible, you can get out of your neighborhood and into a better school... again, in theory.

The problem with this is that if your child does not have 1- a sibling already attending the school 2- a parent who lives and/or works in that neigborhood, you get third round of picking. So, in reality, it really kind of stinks for the kids who are in different neighborhoods. Its kind of a joke. FYI, we are in the second round of picking so we stand a good chance at getting into a school in our neighborhood.

Anyway. I'm not going crazy. I'm going on good faith that we will get in to one of the schools in our neighborhood. I'm only applying to two. I know, I know.. I should apply to like 7... but seriously??? I'm tired. That's a looot of walking and I am just really not in the mood. Not that I dont love my child.... but let's be honest. If I dont want to walk up there to personally hand in my kid's application, or take the bus up there... am I REALLY going to want to do that whole process every day, twice a day for a whole school year???? um, no.

So, we applied to Ella Baker and P.S. 183- two great schools.

Lol. I fill out the application to P.S. 183, and, of course, there's only 14 spaces for the first name...I dont have enough. Who would've thought 14 isn't enough??? I tell the woman, "I'm really sorry, but her name didn't fit, so I just finished it up over the top of the next line."

Woman: "Well now ma'am, you don't need to put her middle name there too. Just her first name."

Me: "I know. It won't fit."

Woman: "It won't fit?"

Me: "No."

Woman: "Her first name won't fit in aaaaaaall those spaces? What is her name?"

Me: chuckling to myself "Gabriela Catalina"

Woman: "Right. So you put JUUUUUUUUST Gabriela in that spot."

Me: "But her first name is Gabriela Catalina. It won't all fit."

Woman: Exasperated. "Her FIRST name..... is Gabriela.... CATALINA???" I nod. "But then she doesn't have a middle name, right?" Who knew we'd be the first people EVER in the city of New York to have a kid with two parts to their first name?? Don't get me wrong, this woman was not stupid. She was very intelligent. It was more like she was thinking.... YOU ARE DUMB. WHY WOULD YOU GIVE YOUR CHILD THIS RIDICULOUS NAME?

Me: "No- she has a middle name, too"

Woman: "Oh she does, does she? What is it?" Did she think I was lying to her??? That I would make this up in her office? NO, woman! I intentionally did this to my kid, in real life, and on purpose.

Me: "Milagros."

Woman: "So its..... Gabriela Catalina Milagros?"

Me: chuckling to myself, I wanted to make sure there was no confusion. "McArthur. Gabriela Catalina Milagros McArthur. We wanted to make sure she would be a good speller. We thought we'd challenge her to be a thinker."

Woman: She looks at me... chuckles, lol, actually chuckles at me- not in a mean way, but more like a "you are goofier than hell" way and says, "Ooooookaaaaay. Gabriela Catalina Milagros McArthur. I got it. You're all set!"

Ha ha ha ha. This poor kid. She hasn't even shown up yet for kinder and she's getting hell. I'm a GREAT mother. lol.


  1. Just reading this and I want to say for the record I warned you about all those names!


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