Scandalous Friday Night
The three of us looked at each other on Friday night, it was 7 pm and our night was almost over. Pathetic. This is what our lives have succumbed to... no more drunken debaucheries (well, not for awhile anyway). Rather, pizza night with babies in high chairs telling our kids to finish their pizza if they want a cupcake. Does anyone ELSE see anything wrong with that demand???? Oh well. I figure, at some point, you've got to cut loose and let you kids eat crap. I know I sure did and I turned out fine. And, by the way, Gabriela did NOT eat her pizza.... she just had a cupcake. Which I am *occasionally* okay with (okay is not really the word... I think sometimes Im just too tired to care. If it's not bleach or crack, we're good).
In true Blake fashion, he ate without a shirt- showing off his manly muscles for the ladies. After dinner was over, Katelyn noticed Blakes ripples and wanted to join him- "Off!" she said. So, off her shirt goes. Now we have two half naked babies running through the apartment, topless with jeans and a diaper. Not to be left out, if KATELYN is doing it, GABRIELA has to do it. "Mommy! Quita!! QUITA! (take it off!)" Well, my dear little friend is wearing a dress. Fine, off with the dress. So now we've got two babies in jeans, one baby in a diaper, all merrily playing along. All of the sudden, Gabriela decides that she needs to up the anty. Without a word, she abruptly stops playing, grabs her diaper, YANKS it off, throws it on the floor, I believe she then yelled "NUDA!!" (short for 'desnuda', meaning naked) and proceeded to run bare butt naked through the apartment in front of all her friends...... oh my little child. I am soooo afraid for the future...
In true Blake fashion, he ate without a shirt- showing off his manly muscles for the ladies. After dinner was over, Katelyn noticed Blakes ripples and wanted to join him- "Off!" she said. So, off her shirt goes. Now we have two half naked babies running through the apartment, topless with jeans and a diaper. Not to be left out, if KATELYN is doing it, GABRIELA has to do it. "Mommy! Quita!! QUITA! (take it off!)" Well, my dear little friend is wearing a dress. Fine, off with the dress. So now we've got two babies in jeans, one baby in a diaper, all merrily playing along. All of the sudden, Gabriela decides that she needs to up the anty. Without a word, she abruptly stops playing, grabs her diaper, YANKS it off, throws it on the floor, I believe she then yelled "NUDA!!" (short for 'desnuda', meaning naked) and proceeded to run bare butt naked through the apartment in front of all her friends...... oh my little child. I am soooo afraid for the future...
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Just the kind of story I needed before going to work (eek) and putting up with chatty children all day. You rock!