Our little manipulater

Last week was a fantastic week for me. I had THREE nights out by myself. And, by myself, I mean without Gabriela. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but I need a break! So, Tuesday night was the significant others' dinner that the hospital paid for (yea!). It was at this amazing French restaurant with an open bar.... oh, how they tease me. But anyway, super fun. THEN, on Thursday night, like an hour before it started, we found out we got tickets to the Philharmonic, courtesy of one of the super attendings. We had AWESOME seats- like row 7 right in the middle. Of course our cab driver took 45 minutes to get us there, as opposed to 10 so we were ridiculously late. Once we got there, we had to wait in a break in the performance before we could go in. So, we finally take our seats (much to the displeasure of those around us who refused to claim the coats occupying our $100 each seats) and we get to sit through one gloriously beautiful song. Then intermission. And then Betsy called to say Gabriela threw up. Fantastic. So, we immediately left seeing as though we had just given her the swine flu vaccine two days prior and I am thinking my poor little baby has had a reaction to it. I'm feeling really badly until we show up to pick her up..... as it turns out (Betsy was trying to tell us we didn't have to come back but we had a bad connection).... Gabriela wasn't sick. Once she realized it was bedtime, she got pissed. She worked herself into such a tizzy, that she made herself throw up. If she were older, I would have sent her off to some sort of gross chore camp.


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