Dubai Day 2
Day 2 in Dubai! Started out with a tasty breakfast (of course) filled with... well, I have no idea. But I just ate it. There was some puffy thing that I think was supposed to go with the rice and chickpeas but I decided honey was better. Not that you care.
We set off for today to Masdar city- its this city that is supposed to be completely built on sustaiable energy. Unfortunately, the cab for the hour and a half ride there was for four passengers, and we were five. The Professor INSISTED he was a tiny man and that four of us could fit in the back seat. I desperately wanted to pull my no nonsense mother card and tell him absolutely not. But I didn't. Let me tell you- I was not pleased. Sitting four of us in the back essentially meant he sat in my lap. For over an hour. I took a picture so you could understand the full effect:
But in an effort to go with the flow, I didn't say anything..... well, until we got there when I announced that, even though the Professor might not be too old to sit like four clowns in the back of the car, I certainly was. We took a van back ;).
While waiting for the presenter, we sat in the lobby and had some of the most delicious tea I've ever had. 

The presentation at the Masdar Institute was amazing. The program they have coupled with MIT was really inspiring and gave a lot to think about. For all you engineers out there, you should consider the program at the Masdar Institute- its free and you get a stipend and you get to work on these amazing projects! After the presentation, a student took us down to the lab so that we could see where they are doing all of their research. I think my favorite thing was when we walked into the biotech lab and our shoes stuck to the floor and came off our feet. It was designed to take the dust off of your shoes so as to not pollute the air, but if you aren't prepared for it, you're like a rat in a rat trap.
After the presentation, we took a.... get this... driverless car.... to go to lunch. Craziest thing ever. We just got in it and it took us where we wanted to go. Really creepy. But also awesome. This would never work in Miami.... though someone should probably try.

We then went to Jim's for lunch. I know what you're thinking- because I thought it, too. "Jim's" while in Dubai??? Here's the thing. I had mushroom soup and Tikka Masala Pizza! This was no ordinary Jim's- it was amazing!

After our next meeting- where Ebby was probably the most excited I've ever seen her, what with her being in her renewable energy policy glory, I learned about the word "itis." And I had "itis" real bad after lunch. It's where you eat so much food that all you want to do is take a nap. But I willed myself to stay awake. However, on the way home.... while Michelle and I sat chatting about life, the rest of the car caught a severe case of the "itis" and were snoring super loud. I wanted to take a video to capture the evidence, but then I thought perhaps the Professor would fail us. So I didn't. Not sure why but Michelle and I found this to be funny, like when we were five, and giggled for forever. The cab driver was also pretty amused.
After we returned back to the hotel from a day of learning about sustainable energy and how the companies operate, we took some alone time before going our separate ways for dinner- which was good, because I desperately needed a nap. You know its a good one when you wake up and your entire arm is covered in drool (no shame!!).
For dinner, since everyone else was tired, Ebby and I took a taxi down to the marina. We strolled along the water and finally settled on some good old authentic Dubai.... Chinese Food. Eating out over the water and talking about the day was the perfect end to a perfect day. One of the best birthday eve's ever. I'm so excited about our adventure tomorrow!!!
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