Happy 6th Birthday, Colton!!!!
03/24/10 03/24/16
Dear Colton,
Happy, happy, birthday! Six years ago today, I walked from our apartment to NYPH to meet you. I know it sounds crazy, but I loved walking in labor to the hospital. It was so awesome. I was determined to get to push you out and I figured if I walked there, it'd be my best shot. In between contractions, I would run as fast as I could.... which, if you ask Daddy, was probably more like an awkward duck waddle... maybe that's why you always have duck hair ;). I was SO excited to get to meet you, but I was also a little nervous. I didn't grow up with brothers- I didn't know what to do with you. Your sister was all princess and pink (against everything I tried to do)- I really did not know what to do with you. I figured you'd show me.
After having to have a c-section with your sister, getting to push you into this world was the most amazing moment of my entire life. Truly. Despite what Daddy tells you about when I was on the Price is Right- YES, the moment you came into my world was even better than that.

Getting to be your mom has been the coolest experience ever. I have learned so much about you, about boys, about me, about life. I learned that yes, you CAN eat dinner for two hours everyday and still be hungry. I learned that you can drink two juice boxes at the same time. I learned that wearing four ties with your sports coat makes you extra fancy. I learned that sticks?????? Are awesome.
I have learned an insane amount of patience. I truly had no idea I had the capacity to ask a person no less than 1500 times every morning to please put on their shoes without ramming my head into the concrete wall. I have learned that sometimes, you call tell someone something, and they are listening, but they don't ever hear you. I have learned that that's okay, and I will be fine.
I have learned that you can hang yourself with a jumprope from your loft bed; that you can turn your fingers blue from tying fancy knots around your fingers "just to see what would happen"; that you can make "soap" out of lotion, glue, perfume, mold water you were secretly growing in a canister hidden in your bathroom, paint, sparkles, hang sanitizer, and nail polish- and that you can use it, not tell me, and still live; I have learned that elephant poop is really, really interesting for some reason and that you and your sister can't get enough out of it; that you want to be a "Ninjaneer"- a Ninja and an Engineer combined; and that pink sparkly shoes DO in fact make you look fancy.
I have learned that you can make anything out of anything and that all trash can be treasure. You have reminded me that there is beauty in everything, if you only take a second to realize it.

I have learned to accept that sometimes you DO need to eat like an animal and that your animal of choice is either a raccoon or a dog. I have remembered that doing random, crazy things is what makes life fun and worth living. This picture below is when you convinced me to make you and your sister chocolate chip cookie dog bones so that you and Chata could have a party together.
I am proud of you for the way you handle yourself at school when there is conflict- you have gotten so much better at standing up to bullies and respectfully reminding them how to be nice friends. I love the way you love your sister and I love the way you love the rest of us. And I think its funny that everyday you hear Daddy come home, you run and grab your weapons and hide so that you can ambush him from around the corner- every single day. I hope you never figure out that he expects it- but if you do, I hope you realize we love it and think you are the cutest thing on the planet.
Pal- six years ago today, my life was enhanced in the most amazing way. Thank you for being so well behaved that I can take you to law school and to business school. Thank you for being so smart, that you make me think about things like, "how do you think we can build underground tunnels to go live with the squirrels?" Thank you for being so creative that I wake up sometimes to find you covered head to toe in paint, made up like superman. Thank you for being so funny, that you keep me laughing every single day. Thank you for being so loving, that you never ever want to leave my side.
Thanks for being you, son. You're my most favorite boy in the entire universe. Happy Birthday Coltron Sebastron.
All the love in the world,
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