We were so super excited to take the bus today to go see our friends Jen, Drew and Katie! This was kind of a big deal in our world since it was the first time I was taking the two kids on the bus by myself. Getting there was lovely. So fun and so excited to try the bus back home. By the way, in case you haven't seen them lately, our little friends have grown SO much (espcially "baby Katie") and I can't believe all the cool things they are doing. Drew knows all of his states and the matching quarters! Very impressive. Anywaaaaaay- I digress.
We missed the M103 by literally 5 seconds when we were on our way home. So we are waiting in freezing weather to get the next one. A M101 passes us by and doesn't even stop. Then another M101 slows down but its not our bus so I shake my head for him to keep going. After he passes us I look at the map and realize I could have gotten on the M101- dough! It's okay.... so we wait.... for another 15 minutes for the next bus to come. By this time we could have been at home already had we just walked. But its a bus day!
While waiting, this little old lady fell in love with my children, and who wouldn't really, and is chatting it up with them while the bus comes. Let me say here, I *appreciate* help. In fact, I LOVE help- when I need it, or when I want it. This little old lady, who was like no less than 90 years old, INSISTED on helping me get the kids on the bus.... which took FOREVER. FOREVER! I kept politely declining the offer and she just kept right on insisting, eversonicely. We get on the bus and she moves from her husband to sit next to us in order to "help" us. I assure her that I am okay. But she, again, insists on sitting there because now Colton is crying and she needs to console him. ..... He does NOT need to be consoled. He is tired. It is past his nap time. He needs YOU to back off and leave him alone. You are not helping. In fact, you are doing the opposite of helping. But what do you say when someone's heart is clearly in the right place? Then she keeps telling me aaaaaaall the things that could be bothering him- his hat is too tight, his face is cold, he's bored, the front pack carrier is too tight, I should sing to him... and SHE knows because she has raised kids, grandkids and now has great grandchildren. You know... I appreciate the fact that you have all this life rearing experience, but you have not raised MY children. I have. And mine is tired. So please leave him alone!! But of course I dont say that.... I try to politely insist he is tired and try to move my body away from hers so that she can stop breathing in his face and touching his hands.
She then decideds it would be a brilliant idea to give him her gloves- gross, no thank you. I drew the line there. I told her he would ruin them with his slober, but she didn't care- she wanted him to be happy. So I said NO. Then, she gives him a metro card. I politely explained he could not have that because he would eat it. She assured me he would not and proceeded to give him one. I took it from him. She gave him another. AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I decided to get off at the next stop and walk the rest of the way home rather than endure more of this "nice" torture. AAAAND of course she INSISTED on helping me off the bus. Which meant that I couldnt open my stroller the right way, Gabi tripped and fell and Colton was now screaming. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Leave me alone nice lady!!!!!
Wouldnt you know the second the doors closed on the bus Colton stopped crying? Perhaps I DO know my child better than you. But thank you all the same.
We missed the M103 by literally 5 seconds when we were on our way home. So we are waiting in freezing weather to get the next one. A M101 passes us by and doesn't even stop. Then another M101 slows down but its not our bus so I shake my head for him to keep going. After he passes us I look at the map and realize I could have gotten on the M101- dough! It's okay.... so we wait.... for another 15 minutes for the next bus to come. By this time we could have been at home already had we just walked. But its a bus day!
While waiting, this little old lady fell in love with my children, and who wouldn't really, and is chatting it up with them while the bus comes. Let me say here, I *appreciate* help. In fact, I LOVE help- when I need it, or when I want it. This little old lady, who was like no less than 90 years old, INSISTED on helping me get the kids on the bus.... which took FOREVER. FOREVER! I kept politely declining the offer and she just kept right on insisting, eversonicely. We get on the bus and she moves from her husband to sit next to us in order to "help" us. I assure her that I am okay. But she, again, insists on sitting there because now Colton is crying and she needs to console him. ..... He does NOT need to be consoled. He is tired. It is past his nap time. He needs YOU to back off and leave him alone. You are not helping. In fact, you are doing the opposite of helping. But what do you say when someone's heart is clearly in the right place? Then she keeps telling me aaaaaaall the things that could be bothering him- his hat is too tight, his face is cold, he's bored, the front pack carrier is too tight, I should sing to him... and SHE knows because she has raised kids, grandkids and now has great grandchildren. You know... I appreciate the fact that you have all this life rearing experience, but you have not raised MY children. I have. And mine is tired. So please leave him alone!! But of course I dont say that.... I try to politely insist he is tired and try to move my body away from hers so that she can stop breathing in his face and touching his hands.
She then decideds it would be a brilliant idea to give him her gloves- gross, no thank you. I drew the line there. I told her he would ruin them with his slober, but she didn't care- she wanted him to be happy. So I said NO. Then, she gives him a metro card. I politely explained he could not have that because he would eat it. She assured me he would not and proceeded to give him one. I took it from him. She gave him another. AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I decided to get off at the next stop and walk the rest of the way home rather than endure more of this "nice" torture. AAAAND of course she INSISTED on helping me off the bus. Which meant that I couldnt open my stroller the right way, Gabi tripped and fell and Colton was now screaming. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Leave me alone nice lady!!!!!
Wouldnt you know the second the doors closed on the bus Colton stopped crying? Perhaps I DO know my child better than you. But thank you all the same.
We had fun too! I am so glad that the bus worked out well (at least on the way here). We will try it next time we visit 310.