
Gabriela is reeeeally pissed at Ben and wanted to do everything with me this evening. Well, she can't always get what she wants and I need a break. After a long evening of temper tantrums, against Gabi's wishes Ben goes to put her to bed. They started to pray and Gabi wanted to pray for her friends in her class, but couldn't remember their names. Ben can't remember all of them so he suggested a friend, "Sophie?" "
G- "No, not Sophie."
B- "Well, how about we just pray for all of your friends."
G- "I don't WANT to pray for all of my friends!" And they proceed to only pray for a select group of priviledged individuals. Then, Ben goes to leave.
B- "Do you know that I love you?"
G- "Yeah."
B-"Do you know that I love you a lot?"
G- "Yeah."
B- "Do you love me?"
G- "Yeah."
B- "A lot or a little?"
G- "A little."
B- "Well I love you a whole lot."
G- "Well, I love you a whole little."


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