You know you're in Texas when...

When I was a kid, whenever we were at the airport either waiting for me to board or waiting for my sister to come in, my Pop would always point out the people "you knew just came in from New York." And, I don't think he was ever wrong about it. They had a distinct look about them- black coat down to mid calf, fancy boots, scarves, walking with a sense of purpose. Well folks, when I arrived from my home of New York back to visit Texas, I knew right away where I was (as if the slow crawl pace of the people was not my first clue- hello? Don't you people have anywhere to be????? START WALKING OR GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!) So, let me just sum up my arrival terminal in one word and one word only... mullet.

And yes, I CAN make fun of those with mullets because I did used to have one.... back in the day.... when I was country... and had no friends... and if I find the picture, I will of course share.


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