On the move...
You know, I was thinking just yesterday that I don't really think I've felt the baby move yet. I was shocked when, at 14 weeks pregnant with Gabriela, I felt a distinct movement which I knew right away was her. "They" say that first time moms generally do not feel the baby move until about 18 weeks with the first baby, and then 16 for the next- so feeling her at 14 was rare. So, seeing as though I am 16 weeks tomorow, I was really kind of wondering what this kid was doing (or not) in there. But then today, it was so awesome! I was working on my sister's Halloween costume and ba doom doom doom... I totally felt it! It was so cool! I remember that was one of my favorite things with Gabi- just feeling her alive in there. It was almost as if this baby was like, "Alright, ALRIGHT! I'm here!" I love it! :)
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