A Silly Game

Ben was giving the kids a bath the other day while I ... probably was cleaning something, let's be honest. So, he pulls the kids out and Gabriela is in her room putting on her pj's. Colton is sitting on his towel in the bathroom. He shuts the door and knocks. Ben says, "Hey! you let me in!" and opens the door much to Colton's delight and Colton starts laughing and shuts the door again. This goes on for at least two/three minutes. Colton laughing, Ben playing. I hear Ben say, "Alright buddy, time to put your jammies on" as he goes to open the door fully. And then I hear..."Oooooooh no. OOOOOoooh no. Ooooh no." At some point during this "game" Colton pooped.... and was rolling in it. There was poop EVERYWHERE. In his hair, on his back, on his legs, on the towel, on the floor, on the door....E-VA-RY-WHERE. I never laughed so hard. It. Was. Awesome.


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