It’s not “Just a Mask”
More and more I find myself emotionally charged by posts regarding how recent events are impacting our lives.

Normally, I just take a deep breath and move on. Today is another day when I couldn’t.
Here is the original post- to be clear, this is NOT what “I”wrote. It’s the post that broke my heart.
I am not a masker and I will never wear one, ever. I know we are being set up for something, and I believe it is far worse than what we are enduring.
For all of my friends defending the mask, I won’t unfriend you, no matter how hard you try to push your views down my throat, but read this... ⬇️
When you ask why I won’t wear a mask and say - “It’s just a mask.”
.....”It's just a mask" can turn into "it's just a vaccine" very quickly. And it will, you can bet your bottom dollar on that!
In less than 5 months, our government has successfully divided the country into "obedient mask wearers" versus "selfish people that refuse to wear masks.”
"It's just a mask, you guys.” It's for "the greater good!”
Where have we heard this phrase before?💡
In less than 5 months, our government has dictated what events are acceptable versus unacceptable to attend. Riots are OK, but church and family funerals are not. Standing in a graduation line is a "safety hazard,” but feel free to line up at WalMart, Lowes, and Home Depot.
But it's "just a mask" & "safety precautions,” you guys.
In less than 5 months, our government successfully facilitated the closing of family-owned businesses while granting authority to large corporations that they have invested interests in.
It's "just a mask" and "safety precautions" you guys. Oh & here's a measly $1200 that we stole from you in the first place. Enjoy!
In less than 5 months, our government was able to successfully sway the population into believing that a CASHLESS SOCIETY is a good thing! In the name of a government sponsored virus. (Also, have you noticed that many businesses are strongly suggesting you use your debit or credit cards instead of cash- or expect you to pay in exact change..because there is a "shortage" of cash and coins at the federal reserve. Supports the cashless society agenda doesnt it??)
In less than 5 months, our government closed down public schools, and has "restructured" school moving forward under the guise of "public safety" from a "virus.” These same schools fed children crap per the corrupt USDA food pyramid. But "health" matters when it comes to a government sponsored virus 💡
It's "just a mask" & "heightened safety precautions,” you guys.
In less than 5 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to "guidelines" (that have NO scientific premise whatsoever) when they are fearful.
What was up with all that toilet paper?
It's "just a mask" & "6 foot social distancing,” you guys. Oh, and dooky paper.
In less than 5 months, our government has successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population in America.
But citizens are not "afraid" of the people in power who are responsible for the removal of their "freedoms.” Instead, they're fearful of their neighbors and family, human touch, and air. Government created division.
There are thousands of viruses that *could* affect the population, but these viruses do not matter because MSM didn't say they do.
It's absolutely terrifying to me that so many people do not question authority because they see that authority as "all knowing." It's even more terrifying that these same people rely on corrupt "leaders" to be led, thus lacking all critical thinking skills/independence.
Slaves to the system that keeps them oppressed.
How quickly history is forgotten and repeated!
What's most problematic to me about all of this is that the people who are wearing masks "for the greater good" will be the first to sign up for this shiny new vaccine that's had 0 longitudinal safety tests against an inert placebo.
What's more problematic to me is that this Vaccine MAY be the deciding factor in life moving forward.
You thought a mask was inconvenient? Wait until you're told that you cannot enter a store without proof of the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you cannot go to public events, or travel, without proof of having received this vaccine.
To everyone that doesn't believe this is possible - do you understand that our government just successfully dictated to people WHEN they were allowed to be outside, where they were allowed to go, and how their children would be educated, in less than 5 months? And that a majority of the population followed blindly because they were told to do so.
You're kidding yourself if you believe that they're not going to repeat this behavior with a vaccine.
If people have not protested the occurrences in America over the last 5 months, they will assuredly continue to abide by unsubstantiated "guidelines" that will include a vaccine.
It’s not about a mask, it’s about CONTROL.
This is a copy and paste, but after all that has happened it needs to be read and considered.
You can do the same if felt led to do so
Side note: I personally have severe anxiety and wearing a mask literally makes me have panic attacks. Sorry not sorry.
#whatworlddowelivein #opinion #helloanxiety #Lordhelpus
There is so much to unpack here that I initially didn’t even know where to begin. I initially just sat, blinking at the screen, in complete disbelief. I chose to begin where it hits home for me most, right now.
And thus, my response to the original poster, and something to think about when considering wearing a mask.
This post is.....heartbreaking. I am sorry for all the things that have happened in your life/lives to make you feel this way. Maybe this isn’t what you intended, maybe it is (I obviously don’t know you), but this just sounds so....angry.
You don’t know me and tone often gets lost in text, so please rest assured that this is said in the most loving tone, from a perspective perhaps not yet considered.
You’re right. It’s not “just a mask.”
It’s a life saving precaution that keeps my husband alive while he potentially operates on your grandmother, your father, your sister, your brother, your child, or your friend.
It’s a lifesaving precaution that keeps my sister alive while she does occupational therapy on your potential grandmother, grandfather, sibling, child, or friend.
It’s a lifesaving precaution that keeps my sister in law alive while she works with kids who could have covid and she is struggling to keep them alive.
It’s a life saving precaution for my brother in law who is an ER doctor in Houston, where he sees death come through the door.
It’s a life saving precaution that keeps his wife, my sister in law, in the same hospital, alive while she works on covid patients in the psych unit. It keeps them alive so that their three children still have two parents left standing when this is over.
It’s the life saving precaution that keeps one of my best friends alive, while she surgically removes cancer from patients potentially infected with covid.
It’s the life saving device people didn’t wear, that caused my friend to lose EIGHT friends in one month to Covid. I think the the only thing sadder than going to one funeral is going to eight zoom funerals, which she did.
It’s the life saving device people didn’t wear, that caused my friend to lose her mother; my other friend, her father.
You’re right. Absolutely right. It’s not “just a mask.”
It’s my whole world.
This is a picture of my husband, just before stepping into the OR to operate on a covid patient. He is wearing scrubs, a full body throw away suit, his personalized N-95 mask, a throw away N-95 mask on top, his glasses, a plastic face shield, p-100 filtration respirator designed to filter out hazardous microscopic particles, topped with a surgical helmet, and two pairs of gloves. Wearing this PPE for two hours left marks on his face and head for several hours more than the actual surgery. The marks looked visibly painful when he came home and when asked if he was okay, he said, “it just feels like someone punched me in the nose really, really hard, but it’s okay.”
Next I have a picture of my sister. She is an OT and wears a mask and face shield for her daily shifts because she works with a high risk patient population and if she spreads covid, she could kill one of them. That patient recovering from a stroke and learning how to eat again could be your grandmother, your grandfather.
Next is a picture of my sister in law. She’s the one who is a pediatric infectious disease physician. She is wearing a respirator, similar to that of my husband, and a face mask. She wears this for at least eight hours during her shifts to protect the children she treats. I think I’m thisnpic she also wears a full body suit.
I could go on and on, but I hope sharing these three lives is enough.
You’re right. You have the right to not wear a mask. We also have the freedom of speech. But not all things should or should not be worn, just as not all things should be said or not said. Not all freedoms need to be exercised all the time.
Just because you have the right to not wear a mask, doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with choosing to wear it. Just as in, just because you have the right to say something nasty to someone, it doesn’t mean you have to.
If you choose to continue not to wear a mask, for whatever reasons you may have, just know that if you do catch covid, my husband, my sister, my sister in law, and all the other people in my life who work in the medical profession, will do their very best to save you, and any others who were infected by those who also exercised their rights not to wear a mask. And I, like the other spouses, will continue to kiss my husband goodbye in the morning before he goes in to serve, knowing he might catch covid and it might be the last time I ever get to kiss him.
You’re right. It’s not “just a mask.” It’s my heart.
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