A (mostly) Peaceful Transition of Power

We would go to celebrate democracy. To celebrate freedom of choice. To celebrate the fact that we live in a country where one is free to vote as one chooses. To celebrate the women and men who fought/fight for our freedom. To celebrate being an American.
Some parts were difficult for me- passing by the tables lined with Trump gear- a man in whom I am so disappointed in- was hard. Seeing everyone go ape bananas when the Trump family showed up was hard. But I reminded myself we were there celebrating something different.
That being said, it was by far one of the most incredible experiences of my life. As we walked into the Gaylord Hotel, the entrance way was lined with high schoolers dressed in black- they all bowed and said, "Good evening ma'am. Good evening sir." Two people on each set of double doors opened the doors and said the same. Many ladies wore gloves and fancy hats and all the gentlemen were in tuxes- with their fancy boots and cowboy hats (yeah.... its a thing.... apparently you can be fancy in a cowboy hat... who knew???) It was so beautiful and so elegant- nothing like I have ever seen before. It felt like something out of the movies. There was unlimited food and drink (man I got my fill of my favorite cranberry juice!!) and a different concert in every ballroom. I actually swooned when The Beach Boys came on stage- I was obsessed with them when I was a little girl and made up dance moves to every single song on my cassette tape!! I used to make my grandparents watch me dance for hours- they love me so much to put up with my shananigans :). We sat and watched The Beach Boys for two hours- it was amazing!! They sounded EXACTLY the same. And- lol- to see all the older ladies standing on chairs with stars in their eyes was the cutest thing ever.
I wanted so badly to go the March on Washington on Saturday. I wanted so badly to be a part of this historic day. But unfortunately, I had gone into early labor for several hours on Wednesday and can no longer stand for more than 45 minutes to an hour without being completely and utterly exhausted (seriously... I give mad props for those women who are older than me and pregnant- I do not know how you do it!!! I'm TIRED!).
My back hurt so badly on Saturday from walking around in my apartment that I succumbed to watching The March in my bed. For those of you who were at The March and couldn't hear, you absolutely must look up the speeches- they were beyond incredible. I sat in my bed, crying, over how moving they were.
I want to say thank you- thank you to all the men and women who marched on behalf of others who could not join you that day.
People are right: Trump is going to bring about change. He is going to make a difference.
He already has- though I'm not so sure its what he intended.
He has spurred a united movement across the WORLD to end injustices. He has brought people together that before were divided. And for that, I am grateful.
I am grateful for the hundreds of thousands of people who marched in the streets yesterday.
I am grateful to live in a country where we can peacefully protest.
I am grateful for my Grandfathers, my cousins, my friends, who fought for freedom and equality for our country: not just freedom and equality for men, but for men AND women; not just for Christians, but for people of ALL faiths; not just for heterosexuals, but for ALL sexual orientations; not just for white people, but for ALL races. I am grateful.
I am grateful to live in a country where we fight for equality. Where we fight for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Where we fight for our African American brothers and sisters. Where we fight for our immigrants. Where we fight for our LBGQT brothers and sisters. Where we fight for our daughters. Where we say our lady bits are NOT up for grabs.
Thank you- to everyone who marched on Saturday. Thank you- to everyone, who will continue to march for the next four years and beyond. You are appreciated.
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