The Other One
I took Colton to school today because, SHOCKER, he didn't have to go to his own school. This has got to be the most ridiculous school system on the planet. Oh- and to clarify, he did NOT have school, but Gabriela Catalina DID. She was not pleased. Anyway- at one point during class, we had to do group work. Colton was playing with his Legos on the floor at the back of the classroom and I went down front to be with my group. Everyone knows my kids by now and my whole class is really great. Liz went back there to play with him and introduced him to the beauty that is SnapChat. I think its important to share my conversation with Colton before he showed me these pictures. Please note- Sarah is a friend who babysits the kids sometimes- they adore her.
Colton: "Did you see the SnapChat that the other one did?"
Me: "The other one? What are you talking about?"
Colton: "There's Sarah and then the other one."
Me: "You mean LIZ???"
Colton: "hahahahahha. Crazy Liz. She's the other one. She's crazy Liz."
Thank you "Crazy Liz," for introducing my son to self morphing. You have created a beautiful monster. :)
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