Why I love AU
I should get paid for saying this. Really.
I was really nervous starting a JD/MBA program, in Washington, D.C., no less. I was terrified I was too old to hack it (okay, sometimes its a struggle!), that people would see my kids as annoying (they annoy ME at times, so its a natural assumption), or that my classmates would be out to eat me alive.
Last year, I needed to miss class because of dreadful child care issues (you remember the devil incarnate, I'm sure) and I was asking my classmate Seth if I could please get his notes later that day. Not only did he say yes (because he's a rock star), but two other people heard me ask and also volunteered to get me their notes as well, just in case Seth missed something. Which- he didn't. Side note- I don't know if you've ever seen Seth's masterpieces, but its like magical order flows from that man's fingertips out onto the paper. Sometimes I wished I were missing class just so I could have an excuse to have his notes instead of mine.
When we were getting ready for our Legal Rhetoric exam, the Smarter McArthur not only let me see how she organized her Bluebook, but also let me duplicate the way in which she did it. I think sometimes I was so overwhelmed that I honest to God could not figure out how to put in a freaking tab. She's a tabbing and organizational genius.
Not only did my professors let me bring my kids to class last year (15 times- Hello Montgomery County- why don't you ever want your kids to go to school?!?!?), but they also came up and chatted with my kids, brought them candy, had play dates with my kids, offered their offices, and made them feel really welcomed. My kids prefer law school over elementary school- seriously. It's a daily discussion.
You guys bought 415 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies from my daughter (yup- we'll be back in January :)).
When I was out of town this summer and couldn't find a paper we were given six months prior, I sent out a Facebook request and woke up to a scanned copy of the paper in my email.
This year I am doing my MBA year at Kogod and have been equally blessed. I had to arrive late to class every single day the first two weeks (who wants to come to grad school late EVERY DAY FOR TWO WEEKS?!?!- not me!) because my son can't cut the freaking cord and REFUSED to get on the bus. The professors understood and asked how I was doing. How my son was doing.
And now- I go to do my reading of my statistics book- you know, the book I ordered four weeks ago because I'm neurotic like that and had everything prepared weeks ago- only to realize that the company sent me the "Instructors Viewing Manual- not for resale" version. I panicked.
Within 30 minutes Tiffany emailed me a scanned copy of the reading assignment and Faith offered TO BRING ME HER BOOK. Not even that I would go pick up the book from either of them- they would deliver it TO ME.
Every day I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
Thank you to everyone who is making this dream a reality. Words could never express how grateful I am.
I was really nervous starting a JD/MBA program, in Washington, D.C., no less. I was terrified I was too old to hack it (okay, sometimes its a struggle!), that people would see my kids as annoying (they annoy ME at times, so its a natural assumption), or that my classmates would be out to eat me alive.
Last year, I needed to miss class because of dreadful child care issues (you remember the devil incarnate, I'm sure) and I was asking my classmate Seth if I could please get his notes later that day. Not only did he say yes (because he's a rock star), but two other people heard me ask and also volunteered to get me their notes as well, just in case Seth missed something. Which- he didn't. Side note- I don't know if you've ever seen Seth's masterpieces, but its like magical order flows from that man's fingertips out onto the paper. Sometimes I wished I were missing class just so I could have an excuse to have his notes instead of mine.
When we were getting ready for our Legal Rhetoric exam, the Smarter McArthur not only let me see how she organized her Bluebook, but also let me duplicate the way in which she did it. I think sometimes I was so overwhelmed that I honest to God could not figure out how to put in a freaking tab. She's a tabbing and organizational genius.
Not only did my professors let me bring my kids to class last year (15 times- Hello Montgomery County- why don't you ever want your kids to go to school?!?!?), but they also came up and chatted with my kids, brought them candy, had play dates with my kids, offered their offices, and made them feel really welcomed. My kids prefer law school over elementary school- seriously. It's a daily discussion.
You guys bought 415 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies from my daughter (yup- we'll be back in January :)).
When I was out of town this summer and couldn't find a paper we were given six months prior, I sent out a Facebook request and woke up to a scanned copy of the paper in my email.
This year I am doing my MBA year at Kogod and have been equally blessed. I had to arrive late to class every single day the first two weeks (who wants to come to grad school late EVERY DAY FOR TWO WEEKS?!?!- not me!) because my son can't cut the freaking cord and REFUSED to get on the bus. The professors understood and asked how I was doing. How my son was doing.
And now- I go to do my reading of my statistics book- you know, the book I ordered four weeks ago because I'm neurotic like that and had everything prepared weeks ago- only to realize that the company sent me the "Instructors Viewing Manual- not for resale" version. I panicked.
Within 30 minutes Tiffany emailed me a scanned copy of the reading assignment and Faith offered TO BRING ME HER BOOK. Not even that I would go pick up the book from either of them- they would deliver it TO ME.
Every day I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
Thank you to everyone who is making this dream a reality. Words could never express how grateful I am.
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