I went to Target this past weekend to buy school supplies for my kids. First- since when the crap did school supplies cost $200??? I don't care that your list says "Crayola Markers"- you are getting "on sale $0.30 markers" and I don't particularly care that I am sending my son with a 10 pack, as opposed to a 12 pack. You're fine, I promise. Two less markers never set anyone back a grade. But this is besides the point. Second, and most importantly- I remembered my daughter needed new panties. Apparently I have forgotten that once you get potty trained, you have to get new draws every couple of years. When we were in Texas last week I noticed her skivvies seemed a little small- turns out they are 2T/3T....oops. In my defense, I tried to throw them away, but she insisted she could still wear them and that she did not want to be wasteful. I think I draw the line at five years too small. At any rate, we walked into the underwear section and to my delightful surprise- I found THESE!!!!! Girl super power panties!!! I damn near died on the spot. I literally squealed in delight. And then I shouted to my friend four aisles over that she had to come quick to see my newfound treasure. Not only did they have all the "boy underwear" transformed into "girlness" but also.... look closely at the tetas!! THERE IS NO CLEAVAGE!!! AND!! Super chick is wearing SHORTS! Not a thong, not no bottoms, but SHORTS! Though they might be daisy dukes, I see no cheekage. I realize this excitement is probably a little strange coming from a mom that wears a bikini and cutoff shorts (and will do so until the day I die regardless of cottage cheese or muffin top because I'm from Florida and Floridians don't like to wear clothes), but I am excited because I support choices. And the fact that there is now a CHOICE for girls who want to wear pinkified NinjaTurtles and Cleavage covered SuperLadies blows my mind. I would have died on the spot of happiness when I was a little girl to find BatLady panties, or Raphael turtle shells covering my cheeks. Now my kids, my BOY and my GIRL, insist on wearing matching underwear every single day- so my daughter can stop complaining that she is denied a fundamental human right to dress like a twin sister because I won't give her one because now she "gets to be underwear twins" with her brother. Target, thank you for recognizing that girls like to have super powers too, and like to dress like their little brothers. Looking forward to more pink and purple in the boys' section- for the boys who just love pink and for the boys who adore dressing just like their big sisters.

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