A Mother's Day Surprise

But today they convinced my husband to go to their favorite sweet shop to bring home fruit and scones- a balanced breakfast. I like it. And after saying farewell to some of our good friends who reminded me all night last night there is still life outside of law school (cough, cough, lots of food and drinking- hooray!- and also p.s. my limit is no longer four drinks.... it's three. So, so sad), we headed out to Great Falls Park.
As we all know, my boy is obsessed with two things in life: his momma, and sticks. And oh maron, was that kid in his glory today. A full day of mommy time with no studying and sticks/logs/branches as far as the eye could see. After convincing him that the twenty foot long stick was indeed a root stick attached to a tree underground, he surrendered that one in favor of a gigantic, but surprisingly light log. The thing was awesome. It was about four feet long and had a handle.
I've learned to love the sticks. "Colton! That thing is awesome! It looks like a bazooka! Here, let me show you how to hold it over your shoulder so you can pretend its a bazooka and we can look for bad guys!" Colton is obsessed with finding bad guys- so now I am, too. I might not agree with my husband's love of killing animals, but I do enjoy hunting humans (not really- calm yourself). I grab the log to show him when I feel something mush between my fingers. Oh God. Seriously? I look down and for a brief second I feel relieved because I think its mud.
After having been a mother for seven years, I should know by now that its never mud. And its never chocolate. Ever.
That's right. Somebody or someTHING crapped upon our bazooka and now I am covered in it.
Happy Mother's Day to me.
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