
In terms of life events, sometimes 1+a different kind of 1+the same type of 1 as the first=0.

Like, when this weekend my children insisted on playing Cinderella and begged me to give them cleaning brushes so they could scrub their shower.  I am not a denying mother, so I agreed.  +1.

Yesterday, after doing research for like 20 hours, I get a text from my partner that says, "Hey... looks like we researched the wrong side."  Not a good +1.  We should double it.

This morning, when I realized I hadn't read for class at 10:30 and it was 9:30.  Then I opened up my book to find that I highlighted it. THEN I opened up my computer to find that I had taken notes.  That was a good +1.

The gravity of the second +1 is double.  It's not negative, its just a different +1....doubled.  Which makes it all 0.  Which also means, I have realized you don't need to be sane to make it through the day.  You just have to put one foot in front of the other. That's all. Just keep moving the feet.


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