Motherhood in Law School
With one exam down and two to go (OWNED that first one (at least I think I did, which is really all that matters) and didn't throw up right beforehand- win!), it's Saturday and I have a four hour practice exam- two actually. And the hubs is at a full day conference. So, I took the kids in the kitchen and promised them everything of their Saturday morning dreams in return for no fighting and silence for four hours.
Their chosen breakfast/snack plate? m&m's, peanuts and pretzels (thanks Delta!), apples, cracker jacks, blue cheese, Vermont cheddar, crackers, apples, carrots, three tic tacs, one oreo, two breakfast bars, pink lemonade.
I also consented to naked day, letting them make whatever mess they want, and allowing them a half hour of iPad time each (oh the glory). I also promised that if I didn't have to come back there for fighting once, we'd make milkshakes after. Five minutes in, we are smiles all around. This can't possibly go wrong......Cheers to the next four hours :)
And that's how moms get stuff done. ;)
Happy Civ Pro-ing!
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