Drill Sergeant

Since my loveys decided 6:30 was an acceptable time to start our day (whatever, I was up at 6:15 anyway.. can't seem to get over the time change), I decided to take them to the park with Chata, where Chata could run free until 9.  Impressively, we were ready to go by 8:10 *(I had decided on this adventure at 7:50- twenty min to get all of us ready is record breaking!).  So, I have G in the jump seat and C and Chata in the two other seats and I run them up to Central Park.  They play for a good 45 min and then we decide to go home. I run them home.  Its not ridiculously hard- its at a slight decline on the way home, going there is a challenge however.  But whatever, I'm still working hard- jogging pushing 120 extra pounds is not the easiest thing to do either.  By the time we get home, I'm sweaty and tired.  Gabriela turns from her jumpseat, looks at me and says, "Mommy?  I don't think you are sweaty enough."

me- "Excuse me?"
GC- "I. Don't. Think. You. Are Sweaty. Enough.  And your face..... it's not red enough.  Its still kind of .... peachy.  I dont think you worked hard enough."
me- "WHAT?!  Gabriela!  I just pushed you guys RUNNING.  I worked hard okay!  I'm tired!"
GC- looks me up and down...."Yeeeeeeeeeah.  I'm just saying Mommy.  Your face isn't red enough and you aren't sweaty enough.  I don't think you did your best work.  Next time, get redder and sweatier and work harder... okay Mommy?"  You've GOT to be kidding me.


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