Potty Training Colton, Day 4

Technically, its day two, because, well, I already explained. So, day 4/2.

I'm not sure what happened between the pee fest which occured all over my living room and legs yesterday (by Colton, not me) and this morning, but something clicked in my boy. Maybe its my faith in him as a little person to be responsible for himself. To stand up and say, "I am a man. I will sit down, and pee in the toilet."

This kid peed in the potty all day long. I'm so proud. The first time this morning he looked up at me from his toy chest and said, "Peeeeee..... cloooooothes...." AGH! Frantic I grabbed the kid and rushed into the bathroom, knocking over everything in sight, racing to put stream in bucket. He only 'kinda' wet his clothes, then he realized he was about to pee himself, and stopped. Oh what a glorious experience. Gabi did a potty dance for him.... which was some monkey, voo doo scary thing. Whatever, he loved it.

Then, later on in the day, he did the same thing. And then three times he all out peed himself, but let's be honest, who doesn't pee themselves every now and then so I chalked it up to.... I dont know. Something. I was still feeling proud and accomplished, as a person... as a mother.. as a teacher to my children... when it happened.

"Toooooooot......Thomas" I hear.

"Toot Thomas" has come to mean that "I just passed gas in my underwear and if you don't hurry up, I'll crap on you." I ran him to the bathroom and I was so excited because I thought I caught him before he actually pooped so I wasn't really paying attention when I took off "Thomas". But alas, he had already made a nice, huge, juicy, wet one. And BECAUSE I didn't think anything was there, I therefore acted accordingly. It was too late. By the time I realized my error, I was covered in .... well dripping feces. It was impressively smeared all down his leg, all over his feet (he squished in it when I tried to take the underwear off), all over the side of the toilet (you know, because it transferred from the leg) and all over my arm and pants. Today, my friends, I was crapped on.... again. How was YOUR day dear? Any patients doo on you? No? Okay then, I win.

But the UPside to this story (I know right? an upside to being crapped on?) is that he had NO accidents for the entire rest of the day. Its like he saw into my soul and realized that if I got poo-ed on again, I might give him away.

To end our night, he went running down the hallway on our floor with his sister and I reminded him, "Colton! Tell Mommy when you have to pee! Do NOT pee in your panties!"

Horrified, Ben reminded me that his son does NOT wear panties.

"Oh yeah? Take a look. He IS wearing panties. He's wearing Tinkerbell." (secret satisfied smile)

Sorry Thomas, Tinkerbell is favored.


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