Friday, Week 1 of Queens

So the dreaded rotation of the year is finally here.... seven weeks of being an even MORE single mother. To the people who say, "It must be sooo nice being married to a doctor"- just slap yourself for me before we even get going.

Monday was a surprise- home at 4:30! This cannot be... surely this cannot be. So we took advantage of having Luci here (seriously, thank God for Luci, without her I fear most days I would permit myself to take my face on the cheese grater) and went to dinner down the block at Cilantro. So excited about $10 fajita night!

Tuesday, ahh... truly Queens. Late night for Benny boo.

Wednesday.... turned into Thursday as Ben didn't get home until 1 am- and then up at 4 to go back at it. Seriously... I have learned a great lesson from this experience. If you go in for emergency surgery- I would seriously consider asking how much sleep your doctor got the night before.

Thursday morning- surprise at 9 am! Well, the initial surprise was not all that fantastic- considering that I heard the door open and said hello like five times and no one answered. Ben thought it would be funny to jump out and surprise me. I told him that was his last warning and that if he did that again, I was likely to literally kill him. You don't "surprise" a woman who is taking care of three children. I am like a mother lion and will rip your skin off if I feel threatened. Oh yes! Three children... yesterday was my first day watching Connor! And it went really, really well.

Today, Friday, we have made it through our first week of Connor (two days counts as a week in my book) and our first week of Queens. This really wasn't all that interesting but I figured I would start now, that way in two weeks, when I *really* get on a roll about how suckful residency is, you would at least know what I am talking about. And I know the week doesn't end until Sunday, but I thought it'd be nice to have *one* week where I dont bash Queens to hell and back.


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