
I was coming home from the grocery store with my babies yesterday and patiently waiting my turn to cross the street. The cars on my street were completely stopped in traffic, because, well, it is NYC, and they clearly were not going to go anywhere. There was a lady in an SUV who had pulled through the intersection to not catch the light and was waiting behind the white line for the cross walk. On the off chance that traffic suddenly moved, I did not want to cross the street because I wanted her to be able to go, since it would be her turn.

I saw that the light was changing and the cars weren't moving. I caught her eye and said, "Please don't"- meaning, please do not block the intersection so that I cannot cross the street. She looked right at me and moved forward, blocking my path. I threw my hands up in the air and said, "That was not cool." I proceeded to walk around her car and wedge myself through the other cars with limited space. The other pedestrians whom she had inconvenienced were equally pleased. As I pushed the kids up the ramp to the sidewalk, I heard the lady roll down her window and say something. I thought she needed something, so I backtracked and asked her to repeat herself. She said something about going to the gym and looked at me funny. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you. What did you say again?"
She said, "You need to go to the gym more."
Clearly I did not hear her correctly. "What?"
"You need to go to the gym more" she repeated with a *nasty* look on her face.

I'm not sure what came over me, but I did remember I had children so I did NOT walk up to her open window to slap some five year old sense into her. I looked that girl up and down and outdid her facial expression and said, "No I don't. YOU do." I turned my sweet little hiney to face her, gave it a nice little rub, smacked it, and laughed at her ridiculousness.

Who even SAYS that??? If that were true, what a *mean* thing to say!!! The greatest thing about this whole situation, is that I walked home, got my mail, called my sister to tell her about it, told my girlfriend in the lobby about it and looked out the window where that chick was STILL sitting in traffic. HA! Who needs the gym now???? God I love karma.


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