A Day in the Park
One random beautiful day, Gabriela and I were at Central Park with some friends. I happened to look up and see a group of unfamiliar people photographing my child. When they saw me looking at them in my protective mother hen way, they all smiled and the woman told me they were photographers taking pictures in the park that day. They said they thought my daughter looked absolutely beautiful picking the flowers and that they just couldn't resist. They asked if I minded- really, who would say no when given a compliment like that? I said sure why not. They then told me they were professional photographers and wished there was a way they could email me the pictures, but alas, no one had a pen. They told me the name of their company and if I could remember their name, I could google them and they would be happy to email me the shots (yea for texting yourself!). I looked through their work online and they are amazing. So... thank you Brett Matthews photography!

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