Yesterday the kids and I were hanging out with friends- the husband is a psychiatry resident. We were talking about the pain of residency and he mentioned how psych was no where near the pain of ortho and that's one of the reasons he picked it. He said on a "bad" week, he will work close to 70 hours. A BAD WEEK IS 70???? 70 hours a week is like a dream come true!!! I would think I've died and gone to heaven if my husband only worked 70 hours a week! He said normally, he logs in between 50 and 60. What kind of doctoring IS this????? AND, then, he said, and this I never knew, that of aaaaaaall the specialties, Ortho is considered the hardest. Aw geez. Go figure. I said I was sooooo jealous that he was in psych but then he closed his eyes and said...."But ortho is so bad a$*. It's like, people say they are ortho and that is so. Cool. It's like.....RESPECT. I say I'm psych and they laugh." So, I guess the moral of this story is.... apparently Ben is waaaaaay cooler in the medicine world than we all thought. :)
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