
You know how there are those parents who don't let their kids have any desserts? (me) And they super monitor what their kids put into their bodies? (me) And how everyone around them makes fun of them and insists it will be okay? Well..... last night at the skating party I gave in (like I usually do at parties) and let Gabriela have *whatever* she wanted. I'm not going to lie. I wasn't paying attention- I was enjoying my own food too much. She had tater tots. She had chicken nuggets. She had mac and cheese. She had tortellini (mind you... she hadn't been feeling well and really hadn't eaten more than one meal a day for like four days so I was excited she finally felt up to eating more than toast). She had bread. And then came dessert. Who can deny a fellow female chocolate mousse? Or cheesecake with raspberry sauce? or key lime pie? or a chocolate ecclair? or a black and white cookie? And of course she was thirsty so she washed it down with apples juice. And fruit punch. And she finished off my chocolate milk. After ice skating, while eating round two of desserts, she told Ben her tummy hurt. So he told her she should probably stop.

At 3:30 in the morning she barfed it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall up. Seriously, you could have fed a small nation with that amount of puke.


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