He will never learn

A few weeks ago I took Colton with me to Florida while Gabriela and Ben stayed behind in New York. They were having a daddy daughter date night where they rented a movie and ordered pizza and Ben called to tell me about it.

Gabriela has this new thing where if she finds something on her plate she does not want, she will hold it out for you and insist you take it and that you want it until you get so fed up that you finally do. So, she does this with Ben while they are eating pizza.

"I dont want it."
"Leave it on your plate."
"But I dont want it."
"Okay, leave it on your plate."
"You take it."
"Leave it on your plate."
"NOO. You TAKE it."
"Leave it on your plate."
"But I dont WANT it."
"Leave it on your plate."
"You take it."
"I don't want it."
"YES you DO want it."

Fine, so he takes it and puts it in his mouth.

"Ew, Daddy, gross. Boogers aren't for eating." HA ha.


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