That Family
You know how you see other kids on the playground... the ones who don't match? The ones who constantly have boogers? The ones whose hair is all raggamuffin looking? I never wanted to have one of "THOSE" kids. My kid was going to be cool. Cool as she may be.... we are that family. Gabriela dresses herself. She wears a princess dress with matching frog boots to school. She pulls out the hairstyle I took the time to do juuuuuust as we walk in the door to class as an act of defiance. And she gives me that LOOK as she does it. Fine, you want to look homeless, go ahead. I'm putting those pictures in your high school year book for your graduation page. Karma my friend.... karma.
And then today.....I showed up today and dropped off my kid at school... with no shoes. It's not my fault, really. I mean, what do you people expect from me when I have a two year old throwing a fit and refusing to sit in her stroller while her four month old brother is screaming in the back because she woke him up? We were already late to the last class for some reason or another and I don't want to be the late mom! I thought I'd stuffed her shoes in the under basket to put on when she was done trying to kick my face off. Apparently I did no such thing. So, instead, I'm the mom who doesn't put shoes on her kid. Oh well. Preschool is practice for real school. Because if she shows up to kindergarten barefoot, so be it. People walked around for thousands of years shoeless and the world kept turning.
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