I was realizing the other day (and by "the other day" I mean within the last week... not some random day 15 years ago because according to my husband who says, "the other day" in a story, this day means any other day besides today and can refer back to the day he was shot from the womb) that I will NEVER sleep again. Do you want to know WHY???? Because by the time Colton goes to bed, I have to shower and get stuff ready for the next day. I then lay down to sleep and and some nut job walks his barking teretzed dog outside which makes my dog bark. I go back to sleep and then Gabi wakes up. Ben is on call, so I take care of her because she has to pee. I go back to bed but oh wait, now its time to feed the baby. Now... we sleep. But oh crap Ruff Ruff or Baa or any one of the ten thousand OTHER freaking animals my daughter has to sleep with is lost. I have to go find it. Coming back in the room, I scare the dog, who wakes up the baby. Who I now have to feed. I lay down and then wake up ten minutes later becaus now I have to pee. Lay back down and fall asleep. Oh but wait, now its 4:30 in the morning so Ben's alarm goes off for him to get up to go to work. Fantastic. Go back to sleep. He leaves to walk the dog and the door slams shut. Awake again. Go back to sleep. He comes back in from walking the dog. Door slams. So.... excited. He leaves. I sleep fifteen minutes. Oh great, time to feed the baby again. Fantastic. He sleeps. Everyone is sleeping.... ahhhh...... then Gabriela wakes up for the day at 6:45. Sorry little girl. Its night time. BACK TO BED!!!
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