And I quote...

I asked Gabi during her state of hysteria whether or not she wanted to eat or go pee pees.... "Eat pee pees" - um, no.

After admiring her yellow creation in her musical potty, "Oh tasty tasty pee pee's in the potty." I'm not even going to pretend I know where that came from because I can assure you, the only person who eats pee in our house is our dog... I swear.


  1. Okay, I'm all caught up, you can keep posting now . . . .

    I can't tell you who I am because I'm on a top secret mission. But I've been stalking your blog and I love it!

    My mission? I'm head of the census bureau for DeNae's planet. I'm going to be out of a job soon if we don't do something quick!! Who's ever heard of a planet of five anyway?????


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