Our little New Yorker
This past weekend we went to Florida to visit my cousin and then for a little family reunion. My cousin has this really cute house with an amazingly huge yard, full of fun little things to explore. There's several trees scattered throughout and has this patio with a canopy surrounded by a moat type thing with a swing in the middle. It's actually a lot prettier than how I am describing it I realize. But the point is this: our child, MY CHILD, has an aversion to grass. I dont know how it happened that something sprung from my being would not want to just live forever amid the green blades of heaven. Prefering to play on the sidewalk and street, this child would NOT step into the grass unassisted. And I realized... it's because there's hardly any grass in New York. She wanted nothing to do with it. It was like watching Chata hold her bowels for over 36 hours when we first moved here because there was no grass in which she could go. Poor girls. Looks like we'll be heading up to Central Park shoeless more often.
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