She cries for Jesus...
GC has gotten to the point where she has her own titles for all her books: "I heard, said the bird" is called "Bird", "Wake up, it's Spring" is "Wake Up", "Mommy Mine" is "Mine", etc. GC has this book, "100 Bible Stories and 100 Bible Songs" that she just adores and has titled, "Jesus" (eery how the only page she has ripped out is the last one where it talks about going to Heaven...). Ben and I read to her from this little Bible almost every day at first because we wanted to, now because she insists. The other night, Ben was reading to her and she refused to go to bed. He told her story time was over, nicely took the book from her and started walking to her room. At that point, she began crying, "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Please, Jesus, please!" It was such a sweet little sight to see- albeit really sad! Unfortunately, we did not give in to her cries for Jesus and put the little one to bed.
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